Climeto Sustainable Services

Carbon Offsets

From emissions to ambitions

The voluntary carbon market (VCM) allows participants to purchase carbon credits, known as carbon offsets, to mitigate their GHG emissions resulting from manufacturing processes, electricity use, and transportation. VCM encourages the financing towards activities that reduce GHG emissions. Over time, companies have been tackling climate change on a global scale by using independently Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs).

The popular credits in the Voluntary Market are VERs and VCUs. These credits represent the removal of one ton of CO2 from the atmosphere. VERs and VCUs that reduce emissions through afforestation, reforestation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy projects are issued to project developers. For companies that retire these credits, carbon offsetting becomes possible.

Different stakeholders drive demand in this market

Corporate Social Responsibility

Companies that are active in CSR initiatives and sustainable developments show better financial results over time.


Sustainable investments and green finance interest are growing year after year and are becoming more profitable.

Environmentally Aware Entities

Both players seeking carbon neutrality can compensate their emissions or provide an additional contribution to mitigating climate change.


At Climeto, we are committed to ensuring quality and reliability in our journey towards achieving net zero emissions. All our endeavors are supplementary, meaning they are made possible solely through the support of our clients. We assure that every project we undertake meets rigorous standards aligned with our pursuit of net zero, whether it’s the Verified Carbon Standard, the Climate Community and Biodiversity Standard, or other criteria tailored for this purpose.




What is Carbon Offsetting?

Carbon offsetting is about funding projects around the world that help reduce carbon emissions by a measurable and verifiable amount. Without the extra “carbon finance” from people or organisations offsetting their emissions, these projects would not have happened.

What is Carbon Offset ‘Retirement’ and how is it Publicly Viewable?

Carbon offsets are retired on international carbon registries – such as Markit, APX and Gold Standard these will either be retired in the name of Carbon Footprint Ltd or in the name of the client.
All Carbon Footprint Ltd's carbon retirements are audited as part of the QAS process to check that we have retired enough carbon credits of the appropriate type and standards to meet all out annual carbon offset sales.

How do we know the carbon offset has been made?

Carbon Footprint Ltd is certified under the Quality Assurance Standard (QAS).
Originally set up by the UK Government. It is now run by as an independent not-for-profit organisation.
The QAS independently audits all Carbon Footprint Ltd’s carbon offsetting to a rigorous 40 point plan annually.
The auditing is completed by AEA – Ricardo, global experts who produce the annual UK Carbon Conversion factors and methodology that are the industry touchstone for greenhouse gas reporting.

What is the solution to climate change?

• Fully Decarbonising Electricity Generation.
• Fully Decarbonising Transport.
• Stopping Deforestation.
• Planting lots more trees.
• Reduce emissions from farming / agriculture and significantly reducing the consumption of meat.
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